House-sitting is a popular trend worldwide. For the home owner, acquiring the services of a house-sitter makes the home more secure, enables any maintenance issues to be identified and resolved.  If the home owner also wants pet sitting it means that the pet stays in the familiarity of its own home whilst reducing expensive kennelling costs.  By exchanging home care, security and pet sitting for free accommodation, house-sitters save on accommodation costs, explore a new area and uniquely get a snapshot into the life of another family.


In recent years Wendy and I have house sat many times, ranging from 1 week to 4 months – all have been amazing experiences.



Give it a go, click on the House Carers link on the right for details, and if you join using this link then we earn a small commission.




Here's some of the places we have house sat:

Nelson, New Zealand.

Whilst working for the NZ Red Cross in Nelson we house and pet sat in 10 properties.  It's been a great way to get a real feel for the area and look after some wonderful pets. 


We've had magnificent views across to the mountains of the Kahurangi National Park, views through the window onto the harbour and town, and we've even had to take a soft-top out for a Sunday afternoon spin!  A few pictures from our Nelson house-sits are below.


Limousin, Central France


Converted farmhouse in a medieval village.  2 small dogs, 1 lamb and some chickens to look after.  Cheese and wine and amazing countryside and villages.


Alps Maritime, South of France.


Cross between a farmhouse and a chateau, on the site of terraced olive groves dating back to Roman times.  Fantastic hill villages.  3 dogs and many cats.  Brilliant.


Byron Bay hinterland, NSW, Australia


Amazing views from the balcony.  Macadamia orchard, 2 cats, chickens and fish.  Fantastic spot.


Gold Coast, townhouse with 1 special white cat.


Near Lismore, NSW, Australia


Suburban house on the edge of town, magnificent view from the deck, private swimming pool and 2 dogs to look after.


Brittany, France


Farmlet in old hamlet.  Grapes over the front door.  Chickens, geese, ducks, rabbits, cats, fish, goat and sheep.  The most animals we've ever looked after but an amazing place.


Sussex, UK.


Victorian country cottage on 12 acres of woodland.  1 energetic and intelligent dog.


Northern Beaches, Cairns, Queensland.


A most important little dog called Paddy.