Golden Bay, NZ - Abby on Rwanda

By the brazier, Abby talks about her recent trip to Rwanda.


Home in Golden Bay, sitting outside by the brazier as night falls, we watch the first stars come out.   Our BnB guest Abby, has just arrived in NZ from Rwanda where she's been on holiday.


Not your normal tourist destination!  I remember Rwanda from the genocide that took place in 1994. At that time I was working for Oxfam in Wales campaigning about the genocide and organising emergency relief.  If you want a reminder here's an Oxfam link.


My memories are filled with some of the most gruesome and harrowing images I have ever seen, but thankfully things seem to have improved immensely since then.


Abby had an interesting journey getting to NZ and she spoke about that first. Audio link above and my thanks to Abby who was speaking about her recent trip to Rwanda. Hard to believe that in 20 odd years there has been such a transformation. It gives hope that even in the most despairing of human circumstances there can be a positive outcome.


Here's some details on visiting Rwanda.


Abby kindly shared a selection of her photo's below.

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