Cairns - house and dog sitting on the northern beaches.


Wendy describing house (and especially dog Paddy) sitting in the northern beaches of Cairns.


House and animal sitting is one of the ways we minimise accommodation costs, explore new areas and get a real insight into how other people and their communities live.  It's a real win win situation for both house sitters and owners.  House owners get their pets looked after in their own home with no kennelling costs, their house and gardens looked after, and with a sense of security knowing someone is at home whilst they are away.   We use a website called House Carers and have respectfully and responsibly house sat in numerous locations around the world.  To see where visit the House-Sitting page.



Above - Paddy crabbing on the beach.




The Northern Beach suburbs of Cairns are close to the international airport, with extensive areas of mangroves, and a number of creeks leading down to the sea.  This is 'saltie' country - salt-water crocodiles - with crocs in the creeks up to 4 metres long.


The very sensible advice is to keep your dog (and yourself) away from the creek edge - you don't want to be dinner!



Keep to the beach when walking the dog.



There's always some house or garden maintenance to be done.  Here some help cleaning the swimming pool.



Bush Stone Curlew - on nest in the shrub bed.


You're never far from wildlife and these birds seem to skulk around the suburbs with their so mournful call.  Still relatively common up here, sadly their numbers elsewhere are in decline, mainly due to habitat loss and predation by foxes and feral cats.













Whilst house sitting you also get to visit the sights.

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